
1. The Pristine Beaches

Andaman is home to around a three hundred thousand people, but it's also home to the best beaches in the country, maybe even the continent.

2. The Corals

The corals mesmerize you at almost every step. This isn't Australia's Great Barrier Reef, but it's not much less.

3. The Plethora of Adventures

Think you're an adventure junkie? Then here's you're place. They've got almost everything - kayaking, surfing, scuba diving, bungee jumping, skydiving, literally everything.

4. Value For Money

Andaman and Nicobar Islands, like the rest of India, is surprisingly inexpensive. You can easily get a night's accommodation at 800 Rupees, roughly US$ 14. And if you're the luxury type, you won't ever run out of options.

5. Barren Island

The only active volcano in South Asia, this boy burned as recent as 2010.

6. The Jarawas

The indigenous people of the region; a trip to their village makes your day.

7. The Multitude of Islands

Wherever in the Andamans you might be, you'd always find some islands around that you can always cruise to.

8. The Solitude

You could lie in a beach all day, and no one would ever disturb you. A perfect romantic getaway? You bet. Also great for some "me time".

9. The History

The British used to deport detractors and freedom fighters away from the Indian mainland, in this secluded island. Port Blair's Cellular Jail is a live attestation of India's colonial period.

10. The Food

The seafood, actually. Prawns, lobsters, fish and local Indian delicacies certainly make the day.

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